Infusing Art and Culture.
The Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo exists to infuse arts and culture into the commercial, educational and creative economies of Kalamazoo County. Their varied programs and services benefit local artists and the general public alike. As the Council’s full-service marketing partner, Lambrix Design & Co. provides complete brand support, including strategic planning and creative execution of direct mail, print, digital, out-of-home, social and website communications. The goal? To ensure the Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo brand reflects and remains a vibrant voice for the artists they support.

“They are true artists, adept at capturing an organization’s essence in their design work. We rely on Lambrix Design for our website, logo, and brochure design for a myriad of programming. They are so good at giving our programs their own distinct personalities, while maintaining an overall look for the organization. ”

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